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It's The Time Of The Year To Travel Again

In every year, I will at least travel back to the Asia once or more for business and personal pleasure to meet with family and friends. And no exception in this year. My flight will take off on Oct 30 to escape from LA to dodge away from the Halloween's "Trick Or Treat?" horror. Kids are scary. Just kidding ;)

For now, my 3 weeks schedule is traveling to several cities, including, Taipei, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. And already arranged to visit the Gundam Docks at Taiwan and one of my buddies' Airsoft and VR startup in Taipei. Furthermore, a few other startups. Stay tuned and I'll definitely share more insights from a business perspective to you all here. Where the new opportunities lay at? How difference is doing business in Asia from a few years back? And so forth.

Of course, last but not least, the #coffeetour.

Side Note:

As for now, I am trying to finish digesting the "Manifesto of the Communist Party" for my latest article about the comparison of Capitalism and Socialism before taking off. Wish me luck.



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